To those who have found this page!

This site is dedicated to The Wandering Bear Wellness Blog and Newsletter. It may, at some point, have a rhyme or reason, but for now, it is a place for questioning one's beliefs, a place for deeper connection—to self, the land around you, and others. It is not here to make you feel good about yourself or judge. It is merely a place to open up a conversation about the world we live in, with the intention of breaking free, or at least beginning to break free, from that which no longer serves our best interest.

May you find your story in my writing. May you begin to question your beliefs, and may you find joy in the mystery of life.

Who we are

Wandering Bear Wellness

April 29, 20245 min read


“They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds.” - Dinos Christianopoulos


Only every once in a Wolf Moon does a story get written down with such sweetness that a bee would lick her lips at the smell of such wonder. Although this may not be quite that written piece, it is an introduction to what is to come. The name is Connection. The vehicle, the written word. The process, on the other hand, may invoke something deep inside of you, something similar to a seed that was planted in the far past and waits for the conditions to be just right to bloom her head out of the cold soil. May these words awaken long-planted seeds of the past waiting for those soils to be fertile.

We will walk this road together, igniting the fire that lives within us. I can't promise it will be safe nor would I want it to. A safe space is merely an illusion dressing up as an uninitiated path. Let us replace the stinger that has been pulled out of society and replaced by the pillow that does not exist. Let us re-welcome death back into life. Placing an extra chair at the table every night with a plate and a meal to go with, simply to be a good host for the return of La Muerte.

What I write is not to be taken as is. It is meant to invoke a new way of thinking. Do not believe anything I say. I am not to be trusted. Test it out for yourselves. If it works, which it does, then take it for yourself. This blog post and everyone following may or may not have a rhythm to it. They will be simply what I feel like writing about and how I am feeling like writing at that time. I do it for me and invite you into my story. Which will become part of your story.

Wandering Bear

1. The Birth of Wandering Bear Wellness: The Sky Bear

The Bear walks in the sky, and has always done so. What do you see when you look up? If you are one of the many out there who don't get to see what humans have seen since the beginning of time. If you live in a place that prefers the illusion of safety over the cathedral of Gods, I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart I am sorry. Do know that there is a story being told above your head and below your feet; this story has been told since the beginning and will be told until the end. The only thing that has changed is who is listening.

Now there are two constellations in the sky, most often they get mistaken as spoons, known as the Big and Little Dipper, but if you look close enough you will see they are bears. Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

The Sky Watches over us.

2. The Earth Bear

Once upon a time, there was a man feeling under the weather who noticed a bear walking around, also feeling a little under the weather. The man followed this bear and watched what she was doing. This bear was very carefully picking a certain type of plant and eating it. (To this day, it is argued in the meadows and in the forest which plant it is.) Eventually, that bear was feeling noticeably better and walked off. The man went over and picked some of the same plant and ate it. Almost immediately, he was feeling better. He put some of the plant in his pocket and walked home.

After some time, the human started watching closely how the bear interacted with plants. They found out that the bear knew every plant and how to work with them.

From this, herbalism was born: The Peoples Medicine.

3. The UnderWorld Bear

I mean, why not take the long nap? Winter gets hard, the bear figured out how to call it an early year and said, 'I'll be back in a few months.' We can only hope to get that kind of rest in the winter.

It has been said that certain things happen in the underworld, certain things that change the marrow in your bones. The underworld is not for the meek. Although it is said that this is where the meek grow their bones. Most would be remiss at the idea of taking more than one trip down below. We have heard the stories of the Bear Mother Demeter, who is the master of initiation rites. Who in their right mind would consider visiting her on an annual basis, beside of course... The Bear.

We have a special being in The Bear, beloved and feared. They say the human is a naked bear. I am not sure if that is true or not, but I do believe we all can resonate with The Bear in some way.

4. The Wanderer

The Wanderer. A path of beautiful loneliness. To see the world through the lens of a wanderer is a wonderful and tragic notion. Some will say it is a path of the blessed, others the wounded. I would suggest it is both. May we all be blessed to walk this path but not be limited to it. Not forget our families and friends from whence we came. To be reminded of the places our ancestors walked before us.

There is a story behind every name, a story untold and unknown even to the people telling it.

So may the story of Wandering Bear Wellness spark something inside of you. May you tell your story and allow yourself to be surprised by what comes out.

5. Closing

This blog may and will take on many forms. I am currently writing the next one, which is going to be presented over six posts on the foundational principles of health. It covers all that you need to know to live a healthy life, at least on paper.

Please if you feel moved in anyway to share it with a friend and let me know. I would appreciate it.

How to get ahold of me

Nicholas Wasierski-Wandering Bear Wellness

IG: @Wandering.bear.wellness


[email protected]

blog author image

Nicholas Wasierski

Nicholas was born in Western Alaska on the Kus-ko-kwim River steeped in the wisdom of knowing where his food comes from - catching salmon, gathering berries, and hunting Caribou and Moose. He dedicated his life to the practice of empowering humans to live an embodied life. He currently runs a Holistic Health Client called Wandering Bear Wellness in Sequim Washington.

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About Us

My name is Nicholas Wasierski. I have dedicated my life to the practice of empowering humans to live an embodied life. I currently hold a license to practice Structural Integration which I gained through The Guild for Structural Integration from the original teachings of Dr. Ida P. Rolf. I am a certified Holistic Health Lifestyle and Integrative Movement Coach through the Chek Institute and I guide wilderness-based rites of passage to assist people with life transition.

I was born in Western Alaska during a winter storm on the Kuskokwim River steeped in the wisdom of knowing where my food comes from - catching salmon, gathering berries in the summer, and hunting Caribou and Moose in the fall and winter.

For many years I lived as a wanderer, finding work as a carpenter, welder, and mechanic throughout the West until I stumbled upon The Wilderness Awareness School which grounded me and reminded me of the old ways of living. Remembering that my purpose for being on this planet was to bring ceremony back to his lineage.

I found a home in Port Townsend Washington where I am currently reside, and work as a Structural Integrator (Rolfer), Holistic Health Coach, and a Rites of Passage guide running Wandering Bear Wellness.

In my spare time, you can find me singing rain down from the sky, meditating, studying, fishing, and midnight flower picking.

Get In Touch

305 49th St, Port Townsend, WA 98368, USA